
  • opiskelupaikka: Kouvola
  • opintojen kesto: noin 1,5 vuotta
  • tutkintonimike: Master of Culture and Arts
  • seuraava hakuaika ei ole tiedossa

Master School on Xamkin opiskelija- ja oppimisyhteisö, joka tarjoaa valinnan mahdollisuuksia oman urapolkusi ja ammatillisen verkostosi rakentamiseksi.

Learn new and realize your full potential

This programme is designated to professionals working within design intensive fields of business and provides for innovation management and design leadership tools for a variety of design disciplines.

Studies focusing on e.g. innovation strategies, design thinking, or leadership will follow an individually tailored curriculum, conducted in a multidisciplinary, project oriented learning environment.


The degree programme is designated for students having a BA degree either in industrial design, technology, business, interior architecture or other applicable academic degree together with a minimum of three years working life experience after completing their BA degree.
Multi-method studies consisting of lectures and seminars as well as team working and e-learning tasks preparing for the business oriented master´s thesis development project will provide graduates for a diverse methodology toolkit. Project works are planned and conducted under supervision of Xamk staff in constant collaboration between students and their partner enterprises / employers.

Study while you work

Studies use blended-learning methods including lectures and cooperative learning sessions, e-learning, and project-based learning. There is on average three contact days per month. It takes about two years to complete the studies. Contact sessions are held mainly in Kouvola.


Xamk master degrees are done in the Master School. Master School boosts your  professional competence and connects you to a valuable network of professionals. Master school sets your career to a new level.


Kouvolan kampus

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Kysy lisää koulutuksesta

koulutusvastaava Heli Abdel Rahman
puh. 044 702 8477

Kysy lisää hakemisesta

puh. 040 585 6610

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